Under the sponsorship of the Wethersfield Institute, eight highly respected speakers addressed a variety of topics that complemented one another, some on the mind of the Church, others on its heart. The speakers were Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J., editor of Homiletic and Pastoral Review, James Hitchcock, St. Louis University, Janet Smith, University of Dallas, Paul Mankowski, Harvard University, Alice von Hildebrand, Hunter College (Emerita), Ronald McArthur, Thomas Aquinas College, Robert George, Princeton University, and Jude Dougherty, Catholic University of America.
Father Baker speaks on "Pope John Paul II and the Catholic Uni- versity", providing a crisp account and analysis of the Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Universities. James Hitchcock's talk, "Learning Among the Ruins", gives a historian's perspective on how we have gotten to our present situation. Dean Jude Dougherty gives insights from his decades of experience on "How to keep a University Catholic". Robert George provides a precise introduction to the vexed question of "Academic Freedom."
Ronald McArthur, founder of Thomas Aquinas College, speaks on "Thomism in a Catholic College." Father Mankowski addresses the topic, "The Church's Worship", as it ought to be and as it is degraded by liturgical ad libbers. Janet Smith celebrates the wisdom of the Church's teaching on the dignity of woman in her talk "The Lay Woman in the Church." Finally, Alice von Hildebrand reflects on the meaning of suffering in "Women and the Mystery of Suf- fering."
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